
pydis.ap_extract(img, trace, apwidth=8, skysep=3, skywidth=7, skydeg=0, coaddN=1)[source]

1. Extract the spectrum using the trace. Simply add up all the flux around the aperture within a specified +/- width.

Note: implicitly assumes wavelength axis is perfectly vertical within the trace. An major simplification at present. To be changed!

  1. Fits a polynomial to the sky at each column

Note: implicitly assumes wavelength axis is perfectly vertical within the trace. An important simplification.

  1. Computes the uncertainty in each pixel

img2d numpy array

This is the image, stored as a normal numpy array. Can be read in using astropy.io.fits like so:

>>> hdu = fits.open('file.fits') 
>>> img = hdu[0].data 
trace1-d array

The spatial positions (Y axis) corresponding to the center of the trace for every wavelength (X axis), as returned from ap_trace

apwidthint, optional

The width along the Y axis on either side of the trace to extract. Note: a fixed width is used along the whole trace. (default is 8 pixels)

skysepint, optional

The separation in pixels from the aperture to the sky window. (Default is 3)

skywidthint, optional

The width in pixels of the sky windows on either side of the aperture. (Default is 7)

skydegint, optional

The polynomial order to fit between the sky windows. (Default is 0)

onedspec1-d array

The summed flux at each column about the trace. Note: is not sky subtracted!

skysubflux1-d array

The integrated sky values along each column, suitable for subtracting from the output of ap_extract

fluxerr1-d array

the uncertainties of the flux values