
pydis.DefFluxCal(obj_wave, obj_flux, stdstar='', mode='spline', polydeg=9, display=False)[source]
obj_wave1-d array

The 1-d wavelength array of the spectrum

obj_flux1-d array

The 1-d flux array of the spectrum


Name of the standard star file to use for flux calibration. You must give the subdirectory and file name, for example:

>>> sensfunc = DefFluxCal(wave, flux, mode='spline', stdstar='spec50cal/feige34.dat')  

If no standard is set, or an invalid standard is selected, will return array of 1’s and a warning. A list of all available subdirectories and objects is available on the wiki, or look in pydis/resources/onedstds/

modestr, optional

either “linear”, “spline”, or “poly” (Default is spline)

polydegfloat, optional

set the order of the polynomial to fit through (Default is 9)

displaybool, optional

If True, plot the down-sampled sensfunc and fit to screen (Default is False)

sensfunc1-d array

The sensitivity function for the standard star