Source code for pydis.linehash

How to solve the HeNeAr line identify problem for real.

Using inspiration from and geometric hash tables

Goal: clumsy, slow, effective

import pydis
from import fits
import numpy as np
import os
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

__all__ = ['autoHeNeAr']

def _MakeTris(linewave0):
    An internal function to be used with _BuildLineDict

    Takes a list of line wavelengths and creates "Tri's", or sets of 3 neighboring
    lines. Ratios of the line separations are computed, and sorted within each Tri
    to make a unique set of ratios for these lines.

    linewave0 : float array
        This is the input list of lines

    side_out, line_out
        The sides of the Tri's (line separation ratios) and actual lines

    linewave = linewave0.copy()

    # print(linewave)
    ntri = len(linewave)-2
    k0 = 0
    for k in range(ntri):
        # the 3 lines
        l1,l2,l3 = linewave[k:k+3]
        # the 3 "sides", ratios of the line separations
        s1 = abs( (l1-l3) / (l1-l2) )
        s2 = abs( (l1-l2) / (l2-l3) )
        s3 = abs( (l1-l3) / (l2-l3) )

        sides = np.array([s1,s2,s3])
        lines = np.array([l1,l2,l3])
        ss = np.argsort(sides)

        if np.isfinite(sides).sum() > 2:
            if (k0==0):
                side_out = sides[ss]
                line_out = lines[ss]
                side_out = np.vstack((side_out, sides[ss]))
                line_out = np.vstack((line_out, lines[ss]))

    return side_out, line_out

def _BuildLineDict(linelist):
    Build the dictionary (sorta hash table) of lines from the master file.

    Goal is to do this once, store it in some hard file form for users.
    Users then would only re-run this function if linelist changed, say if
    a different set of lamps were used.

    linewave = np.loadtxt(linelist, dtype='float',
                          skiprows=1, usecols=(0,), unpack=True)

    # sort the lines, just in case the file is not sorted

    sides, lines = _MakeTris(linewave)

    # now, how to save this dict? or should we just return it?
    return sides, lines

[docs]def autoHeNeAr(calimage, trim=True, maxdist=0.5, linelist='apohenear.dat', fmask=(0,), display=False, noflatmask=False): ''' (REWORD later) Find emission lines, match triangles to dictionary (hash table), filter out junk, check wavelength order, assign wavelengths! Parameters ---------- calimage : str the calibration (HeNeAr) image file name you want to solve ''' # !!! this should be changed to pydis.OpenImg ? hdu = if trim is False: img = hdu[0].data if trim is True: datasec = hdu[0].header['DATASEC'][1:-1].replace(':',',').split(',') d = map(float, datasec) img = hdu[0].data[d[2]-1:d[3],d[0]-1:d[1]] # this approach will be very DIS specific disp_approx = np.float(hdu[0].header['DISPDW']) wcen_approx = np.float(hdu[0].header['DISPWC']) # the red chip wavelength is backwards (DIS specific) clr = hdu[0].header['DETECTOR'] if (clr.lower()=='red'): sign = -1.0 else: sign = 1.0 hdu.close(closed=True) if noflatmask is True: ycomp = img.sum(axis=1) # compress to spatial axis only illum_thresh = 0.5 # value compressed data must reach to be used for flat normalization ok = np.where( (ycomp>= np.median(ycomp)*illum_thresh) ) fmask = ok[0] slice_width = 5. # take a slice thru the data in center row of chip slice = img[img.shape[0]/2.-slice_width:img.shape[0]/2.+slice_width,:].sum(axis=0) # use the header info to do rough solution (linear guess) wtemp = (np.arange(len(slice),dtype='float') - np.float(len(slice))/2.0) * disp_approx * sign + wcen_approx # if display is True: # print('disp_approx',disp_approx) # print('wcen_approx',wcen_approx) # print(wtemp) # print(wtemp[0]) # plt.figure() # plt.plot(wtemp, slice) # pcent_pix, wcent_pix = pydis.find_peaks(wtemp, slice, pwidth=10, pthreshold=80, minsep=2) # if display is True: # print('>>>>>') # print(pcent_pix) # print(wcent_pix) # print(wcent_pix[1]) # print('<<<<<') # plt.figure() # plt.scatter(pcent_pix, wcent_pix, alpha=0.5, s=50) # # build observed triangles from HeNeAr file, in wavelength units tri_keys, tri_wave = _MakeTris(wcent_pix) '''print'>', (np.shape(wcent_pix),np.shape(tri_keys), np.shape(tri_wave))''' # make the same observed tri using pixel units. # ** should correspond directly ** _, tri_pix = _MakeTris(pcent_pix) '''print('>> ',np.shape(pcent_pix), np.shape(tri_pix))''' # construct the standard object triangles (maybe could be restructured) dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))+ '/resources/linelists/' std_keys, std_wave = _BuildLineDict(dir + linelist) # now step thru each observed "tri", see if it matches any in "std" # within some tolerance (maybe say 5% for all 3 ratios?) # for each observed tri for i in range(tri_keys.shape[0]): obs = tri_keys[i,:] dist = [] # search over every library tri, find nearest (BRUTE FORCE) for j in range(std_keys.shape[0]): ref = std_keys[j,:] dist.append( np.sum((obs-ref)**2.)**0.5 ) if (min(dist)<maxdist): indx = dist.index(min(dist)) # replace the observed wavelengths with the catalog values tri_wave[i,:] = std_wave[indx,:] else: # need to do something better here too tri_wave[i,:] = np.array([np.nan, np.nan, np.nan]) ok = np.where((np.isfinite(tri_wave))) out_wave = tri_wave[ok] out_pix = tri_pix[ok] out_wave.sort() out_pix.sort() xcent_big, ycent_big, wcent_big = pydis.line_trace(img, out_pix, out_wave, fmask=fmask, display=False) wfit = pydis.lines_to_surface(img, xcent_big, ycent_big, wcent_big, mode='spline') if display is True: plt.figure() plt.scatter(out_pix, out_wave) plt.plot(np.arange(len(slice)), pydis.mapwavelength(np.ones_like(slice)*img.shape[0]/2., wfit, mode='spline')) plt.title('autoHeNeAr Find') plt.xlabel('Pixel') plt.ylabel('Wavelength') return wfit
if __name__ == "__main__": import sys print(sys.argv[1]) autoHeNeAr(sys.argv[1], display=True, noflatmask=True)